"The gods of the valley are not the gods of the hills, and you shall understand it"...Ethan Allen

"We in this room are all men who believe that actions speak louder then words. If I can impart anything from my life as a soldier it is this: There are only two types of warrior in this world. Those that serve tyrants and those that serve free men. I have chosen to serve free men, and if we as warriors serve free men, we must love freedom more than we love our own lives. It is a simple philosophy but one that has served me well in life."

--SFC Stefan Mazak, KIA 18 April 1968, Long Khanh Province, RSV

26 February 2012

A time for choice, a time for action

“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” Reichsführer-DHSS Janet Napolitano the day after the American people say "ENOUGH!".

Go Explore this site right now!

Maybe it is time to get a group of friends together, one's you have known for awhile and trusted, and talk frankly about what is going on today in America. And whether or not you and yours will stand by and allow those hell bent on your countries destruction will attempt to do so unopposed.

We the People of America ARE the militia. Those that call us terrorists do so out of their own fear and at their own peril. Why? Because THEY are the illegitimate ones. The consent of the governed is slipping away from them. The onrushing police state is the final attempt to keep the power and the stolen goods for themselves. Will you allow your children and grandchildren to bear the shame of the German nation of the past 60 years? That they got what they deserved because the German people allowed a mad man and his satanic cult to steal their nation and plunge them into a genocidal war?

Will you allow that?

Good news is that we are not the 1930's German people, disarmed and hungry for hope and change. Our founding fathers saw to that. We are soft, but we hear the echo of America past, no matter the noise distractions and scorn heaped upon our history by the slaves of empire. If you think the creature in chief was quick to apologize to 9th century throwbacks half way across the globe, what do you think the martinets will think and say when 100,000; nay a million men stand to and say "ENOUGH!".

There is a movement started by Arctic Patriot to buy a gun on election day to send a message. Let's all ramp that message up by buying field equipment and ammo for that gun purchase from now until November. The powers that be are watching all commerce. They will see that it is not just a few people, not just sunshine patriots with a box of ammo who will go quietly home when the rain starts to fall. A firearm needs support gear and lots of food to be effective. So do you. With effectiveness comes respect. The DHSS goon squad does not respect you, me, or anyone else. They will respect the big battalions ready to play hardball.

I am sure when this speech was given By Ronald Reagan in 1964, he had no idea how relevant it would be in 2012. Replace the cold war with class war and you will understand. Let's make THEM understand.

While speech sends a clear message, action always speak louder than words. Make those who would be our masters understand

Credible deterrence. Cultivate it or suffer.

Resist. By any means necessary.

Start at Operation Sleeping Giant

Then download How to start and train a militia unit PM 8-94 to understand how to get up and get on your feet.

Let's roll.

Paramus Viam (We Prepare the Way)

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